Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What Would I Do To Be A Productive Citizen?

As a productive citizen, I choose to respect and obey the laws of our country. I also must respect the differences of others, although I might not agree with what they have to say or how they choose to live. I also participate in community service projects, so I can improve life in our community. Things like recycling and taking care of my neighbor’s dog or dogs when they are not home are simple, but good ways to be a productive citizen.

My game is about people having to learn how to treat their pets and other animals. Our game will encourage people to treat animals with respect, so the animals will not be abused or neglected. As productive citizens we should be informed, not only about our rights but also about the rights of animals.

1 comment:

  1. Shelly,
    Here are some websites that you might want to check out for your game. The website for PETA has some fun games on it and shows the cruel treatment of some animals. will help open your eyes on how much all different kinds of animals are mistreated.

    I like your idea, because I think society doesn't pay much attention to the rights of animals.
